Brief History
The word cryptography comes to us from the Ancient Greek words κρυπτός (kruptós), meaning “hidden, secret,” and γραφή (graphḗ), meaning “writing.” It refers broadly to a variety of techniques for secure communication.
Cryptography has a long history. The earliest recorded use of cryptography dates to about 1900 BCE, in Egypt. Further records of cryptography are found in classical works of people from many other regions around the world, including Greece, Arabia, Persia, and India. The first known printed books on cryptography are Steganographia and Polygraphiae by Johannes Trithemius (1462–1516). His work included occult writing systems, like the Theban alphabet depicted below.

Cryptography advanced dramatically with the advent of computers, and it has become ubiquitous in the information age. We are constantly sending sensitive information (passwords, bank information, credit card numbers, etc) over the internet, and all of these communications are protected by suites of cryptographic protocols. It is not much of an overstatement to say that contemporary human society would not exist without cryptography!
You’ll find exercises scattered throughout the text. Do them when you run into them! Doing exercises is crucial to actually developing an understanding of the concepts.
As mentioned above, many of the most exciting parts of cryptography only became possible after the advent of computers. There’s a good reason for this: cryptography relies crucially on computations that are difficult to do, so trying to do the calculations by hand frequently gets very tedious!
You don’t need to have prior programming experience for this course. But, to make things interesting and interactive, this text incorporates “SageCells.” Sage is a thin wrapper for the programming language Python that makes mathematical computations especially convenient. A SageCell contains some code, and hitting “Run” below the code will run the code and display the output of the last line.
The code in a SageCell can be edited, and I urge you to play with these code snippets, even if you don’t know how to program! Try tweaking things and see what happens. Part of the reason for the popularity of Sage/Python is that it’s a very beginner-friendly programming language, and the best way to learn to program is to just try things. If you break something, no worries: just hit reload and try again.
I promise it’ll be fun!
SageCell Here is your first SageCell,
which introduces you to basic arithmetic in Sage. Hit “Run” to compute
. Then try replacing the code with things like
or 2*6
or 6/4
. You’ll have to hit “Run” after each time you change
the code.
You may or may not be disappointed in the output of 6/4
Division is a little quirky in Sage (and different from vanilla Python)
because Sage prefers keeping things exact. If you really want a decimal
output, you can put a decimal somewhere in your input: try typing in
something like 6.0/4
sign are “comments” and don’t do anything. They’re used
to write human-readable sentences in there to explain what’s going on.
For example:
, and we then add 15 to x
to be a function that adds 15 to the input. You
would do this as follows:
You can name your variables and functions whatever you like, but it’s usually best to give them names that describe what they do.
This section contains a whole slew of words. This is a little tedious, but fixing terminology at the outset will help us communicate better and identify patterns as we go through the course.
A cryptographic method for confidential communication is called a cryptosystem or a cipher. It includes algorithms for encryption and decryption, which are inverse processes that convert between plainly readable information called plaintext and unintelligible information called ciphertext. A sender, often named “Alice” in abstract cryptographic discussions, encrypts her plaintext into ciphertext. She then sends the ciphertext to receiver, often named “Bob,” who must then decrypt (or decipher) the ciphertext back into plaintext. Bob will often use a key involved during decryption (also called a private key or a decryption key).
Before encryption, there will usually be a preliminary step where the message is converted into a format which can then be encrypted; this is called encoding. Encoded text is not secure; it is only secure after encryption. If a message had to be encoded before encryption, it will also have to be decoded after decryption. Again, this is usually easy. Be careful: the words “encode” and “encrypt” sound similar, but mean different things in technical parlance!
Of course, we would like for it to be the case that only Bob can decrypt the ciphertext.1 If the ciphertext is intercepted in transit by adversary (often named “Eve”) who does not have access to Bob’s decryption key at the beginning but who does know what cryptosystem was used to encrypt the message, the hope is that she should be unable to decrypt the message. If she manages to figure out the plaintext, she has broken the code!
An attack model specifies what Eve is allowed to do in order to break the code. Here are some of the most common attack models:
- Ciphertext-only attack: Eve must recover the plaintext using only the ciphertext.
- Known-plaintext attack: Eve may have access to some information about the plaintext (eg, knowledge of portions of the plaintext), and she may use this to recover the plaintext.
- Chosen-plaintext attack: Eve can request or generate ciphertexts corresponding to any plaintext message of her choosing, and she can use this information to recover the plaintext.
Classical cryptography was mostly concerned with assuring security against ciphertext-only and/or known-plaintext attacks. Modern cryptography tries to assure security against chosen-plaintext attacks as well.
Course Overview
We’ll start with a discussion of classical cryptosystems (like the Caesar cipher). Many of these are no longer secure, and we’ll then discuss the mathematics of breaking these classical cryptosystems. Finally, we’ll move on to modern cryptosystems (like RSA or elliptic curve cryptography). Along the way, we’ll see lots of interesting mathematical theory that is useful in cryptography, including the basics of number theory, probability theory, and information theory.
Let’s get started!